LIFELONG LEARNER Signature Coaching Program:


Here is how I can help

Are You Ready to Embrace the Fullness of Your Potential?

In a world constantly pushing for more, it’s easy to look outward for answers. But what if the clarity and direction you’re seeking aren’t out there, but within? I am inviting you to a transformative personal journey unlike any other—a journey into the essence of who you are.

Why Choose “The Experience is YOU”?

Unique Approach to Personal Growth

Forget one-size-fits-all plans. Embrace a coaching path tailored just for you, guided by your own values, goals, and desires. Forget one-size-fits-all plans. No one else was created as uniquely and incredibly as you!

Curated Experiences

From the creator of Oh My Cupcakes!, Sweet Cream Candle Company, and Melissa J Creative, expect a coaching environment that evokes joy, comfort, and connection.

Deep Dive into Self-Discovery

Engage in a six-month transformative process that includes personalized one-on-one sessions, reflective homework, and powerful, life-affirming discussions, all designed to unlock your confidence and unleash the fullness of you.


(and Fun Added Options)

Become the most vibrant version of you with a six-month, one-on-one, personal coaching journey. Coaching can be completed as a six-month standalone coaching program or combined with an (optional) immersive multi-day retreat.

Want to know how to best level up your life? Let’s schedule a discovery call and get to know one another!

  • The Discovery – Unearth your core values and set clear, actionable goals.
  • The Learning – Expand your perspective with curated readings and reflections.
  • The Growing – Implement new habits and become aligned with your desired life experience.
  • The Knowing – Integrate your learning and establish non-negotiables for sustained growth.


Immersive Transformation. Discovering YOU.

Melissa J Creative Retreats are a multi-day journey of reflection, discussion, and community, designed to deepen your understanding of self and others. Invest in yourself for a retreat experience like no other, or combine with a six-month coaching program.

Melissa J Creative Mini-Retreats are a half-day session with a specific, focused topic and can be done alone or combined with a six month coaching program.

Unlock Expert Insights

with Sioux Falls’ New Entrepreneurs in Residence

Are you a business owner looking for expert guidance and mentorship? Startup Sioux Falls is revolutionizing support for entrepreneurs with its new Entrepreneurs in Residence (EIR) program. These seasoned professionals bring unique expertise to help founders navigate challenges and achieve their business goals.

Discover how these EIRs, including our own Melissa Johnson, are providing invaluable support through personalized consultations and actionable advice. Whether you need help with branding, leadership development, or strategic planning, the EIRs are here to assist.

Learn more about this exciting initiative and how it can benefit your business.


Ready to Curate the Experience of YOU?

Let’s Connect Begin your journey to clarity, purpose, and joy. Reach out to schedule a discovery call and let’s get to know one another. Let’s see if we are a good fit to curate your ultimate life experience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Have questions? We’ve got answers. Learn more about how a coaching program can work for you.

Our program is uniquely designed around the most important person—YOU. Unlike other programs that apply a one-size-fits-all approach, Melissa tailor’s her sessions and learning materials to fit your personal journey. We focus on curating an experience that resonates with your own values, goals, and desires, ensuring a transformative journey that is truly your own.

This program is for anyone feeling at a crossroads, seeking clarity, or looking to deepen their understanding of themselves and their path in life. Are you an entrepreneur, a dreamer, or someone searching for more confidence and purpose? Maybe you’ve come to a crossroads and need clarity for your future. Our program is designed to guide you towards your fullest potential and most vibrant life.

The coaching program spans six months, with the option to extend for additional six-month increments for deeper exploration and growth. We meet twice a month for 1.5-hour sessions, providing a comprehensive and immersive experience.

Our coaching sessions are conducted via phone or Zoom, allowing us to work with clients from all over the world. We can discuss the option of in-person, or face-to-face sessions, if applicable. Yay for multiple modes of connection!

The retreat is a multi-day immersive experience designed to deepen your journey through reflection, discussion, and journaling within a supportive community. Retreats are an opportunity to pause, reflect, and connect with like-minded individuals, further enriching your coaching experience and broadening your circle of deeply meaningful (sometimes lifelong!) relationships. Learn more about our upcoming retreat: Desert Beauty: Journaling and Mindfulness Retreat.

No way, Jose! It’s totally up to you! Retreats are not mandatory but come highly recommended. (See testimonials here?) A retreat serves as a powerful complement to the coaching program, offering an immersive environment to reflect and grow. And embarking on a retreat is a powerful message to yourself that you’re ready to live with more vibrance. That being said, the coaching program can also stand alone as a transformative experience.

The six-month program with an add-on retreat experience is $425 per month, totaling $2,550. Coaching program without the retreat is $500 per month, totaling $3,000. Retreat costs are separate and are detailed upon inquiry.

We understand that committing to a six-month program is a significant decision. And we want to ensure a good fit as much as you do! We encourage scheduling a discovery call with Melissa to discuss your goals, challenges, and dreams. This complimentary consulting session will provide you with a clearer understanding of how the program will benefit you, so you can make the best, most informed decision. But remember. YOU are worth committing to!

Getting started is easy! Simply contact us to schedule your Discovery Call. During this meeting, we’ll discuss your aspirations and challenges, so we can tailor a coaching path that aligns with your highest personal journey.

“You are worthy of greatness, and you can do this.” – Melissa Johnson

Can we start with a quick virtual hug? I want you to know in your deepest heart of hearts how much I already believe in you. Whatever your dream, goal, idea, or crossroads, I want to walk alongside of you and help guide your journey. I won’t promise to have all the answers. But I can help you ask the right questions so you can discover the best answers for YOU.